How Missouri Medicaid Updates Benefit Public Schools

Written by Dan McCool

August 30, 2024

Recent updates to Missouri Medicaid and PT Medicaid scripts are making it easier for public schools and administrators to manage healthcare services for students. Here are three key ways these changes simplify the process:

Continuous Coverage for Children

Consistent Access to Services: Schools can plan and provide uninterrupted therapy and healthcare services without worrying about mid-year coverage lapses.

Simplified Enrollment: With 12 months of continuous Medicaid coverage for children, schools no longer need to worry about frequent re-enrollments due to income changes.

Therapy Services under MO HealthNet

Streamlined Processes: Comprehensive manuals and guidelines make it easier to provide and bill for therapy services, reducing confusion and ensuring smooth operations.

Clearer Guidelines: New guidelines make it easier to understand what therapy services are covered, helping schools stay compliant with Medicaid rules.

Revised OPR Requirements

Improved Accountability: Better documentation and adherence to guidelines improve transparency, helping schools with audits and ensuring they get reimbursed for services.

Reduced Risk of Denials: Updated OPR requirements ensure that only qualified providers can order or refer therapy services, reducing the risk of Medicaid claim denials.

These updates are designed to reduce administrative burdens, provide clearer guidelines, and ensure continuous healthcare access for students, ultimately benefiting both school administrators and the students they serve.

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